The Baltimore Book Festival

I had a great time in the Authors Tent at the Baltimore Book Festival. Although we were in a horrible location, I had the opportunity to meet some really great people. I made more sales than I expected and at the end of the night I only had two books left. I ended up giving those books away. Some of my family and friends came out to support me. I had car trouble that morning that prevented me from driving to Pikesville, MD so I was unable to attend the 8 a.m. service at my church. I ended up having church in the vendor parking lot. Through it all, it was a wonderful day and I thank everyone who helped make it a reality for me!

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One Blessed Lady!

One Blessed Lady!
Call 1-800-929-1418 or email to schedule Lynn Pinder for a booksigning and/or writing workshop in your community!

Lynn's interview with Annette Morton on the Heart Right Ministry Blog Talk Radio Show

Listen to internet radio with Annette E Morton on Blog Talk Radio

Lynn's Other Projects: - a 31-day prayer journal for adult learners. - a group of Christian fiction and non-fiction authors who are on FIRE for God! - a consulting firm that provides individuals, organizations and businesses with assistance and inspiration to launch, enhance, or market their dream organization and/or project! - a publishing company that uses POD technology to help individuals and/or organizations publish their stories of challenge and/or triumph in taking action against social, environmental and economic injustices.

A disclaimer from TAKE ACTION! Publishing and Christian author, Lynn Pinder:

The showing of this video is in no way inferring or suggesting that Cece Winans is a supporter or endorser of Psalms of the Daughter or Christian Author, Lynn Pinder. The showing of this video is strictly for educational purposes in that it introduces viewers to the Prayer of Salvation. This video is being shown courtesy of Micah4910 who posted it on YouTube at

Let is be a blessing to all who view it.

Lynn's Statement of Faith:


(1) The Holy Bible, both Old and New Testaments, as the verbally inspired Word of God.

(2) the all-sufficient atonement by the blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, which cleanses anyone who believes on Him from all sin, and salvation through faith in Christ alone.

(3) a life of holiness and separation from the world and sin, no longer serving them, but serving the Lord with a pure heart.

(4) the church as the Body of Christ, a group of "called out ones." Chosen to reveal God's plan and purpose in the earth, and the local expression of this church functioning according to the New Testament order and organization.

(5) individual and collective praise and worship - all expressions of praise recorded in the Old and New Testament are meant for practice in the church today.

(6) the restoration to the church of all that the prophets have spoken, and the subsequent visual and bodily return of Jesus Christ to set up His Kingdom on the earth.

(7) the promise of eternal life for all those who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and accept Him as their Savior, and eternal damnation for those who reject Him and die in their sins.

Recommendations and Reviews:

“Lynn is a remarkable, compassionate author. Her latest book, "Psalms of the Daughter" is a testament to her caring abilities. Our foundation, The Soulcial Solutions Foundation, was pleased to sponsor a portion of her activity. It has been an honor to work with Ms. Pinder!” October 31, 2008

Matthew Fritz , Director of Technology , The Soulcial® SOLUTIONS Foundation